
Is Walking ‘Ten Thousand Steps’ Every Day Really Right?

Wearable Health Tech

It is said to multiply steps through smart wearers, it is enough to walk 10 thousand steps a day. The reality is a bit different.

Many people are curious about the exact calculation of how many steps a healthy normal person should walk in a day. According to current fitness trends, walking 10,000 steps per day is considered ideal. Now the question is, is this actually unquestionably correct, or are there other factors involved?

Is Walking Ten Thousand Steps Every Day Really Right

For everyday work, shopping, going to the office or using the stairs instead of using the elevator – every step counts towards these 10,000 steps. And we are content to think that enough walking has been done. But experts have a different opinion. Cardiologists say that 10,000 steps per day is called a magic number, but at least 7,500 truly effective steps per day can be called ideal in this regard. In fact, 7500 effective steps are the most effective to maintain good health.

Research says that although Strava-Nike pedometer, Apple Watch or various step counting apps basically call 10,000 steps ideal or make them popular through promotion, there is no scientific basis in fact.

Elori Eguier, head of exercise science at the University of Alabama in the United States, said in this context, this 10,000 steps thing is actually common in people’s mouths. Basically, the kind of daily work that a person does throughout the day, already takes 6000 steps. To make it more meaningful and a little more effective, 10,000 steps became popular.

Japanese Walking Club

Meanwhile, the Japanese Walking Club has introduced a new step counting device, whose slogan is ‘Let’s walk 10,000 steps every day’. In addition, studies show that those who walk only 4,500 steps per day have a higher mortality rate than those who walk 10,000 steps per day. Those who regularly walk at least 6 to 9 thousand steps, their risk of heart disease also decreases. Research from the University of Birmingham in the UK shows that walking at least 15,000 steps improves mental health. In addition, at least three to five hours of high intensity exercise per week is very effective. Every person’s lifestyle is different. So exercising or walking accordingly can only keep us healthy.

The risk of diseases like heart disease or diabetes is greatly reduced by regular walking. Experts also say that combining walking with other effective exercises can give you even better results. If you really want to see a change, you can gradually increase the amount as per your tolerance. Starting with 4,000 steps first and gradually increasing will be more effective for everyone. No matter how much you walk, it’s more beneficial if you do it every day.

Let’s say you walk for two or three days, then take a break for four or five days—it reverses the beat. By doing this, the time it was taking for your brain to receive the signal and absorb the exercise will go back to its previous place. So you have to start again. Decide how many steps you will walk for this and make it a part of your regular routine. Then it will be much easier for you. So, instead of just aiming for 10,000 steps, you have to give yourself a realistic and effective target. If necessary, definitely consult a fitness professional to set walking goals.

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