
Slow Living to Bring Balance in Life

Slow Living

Although the concept of slow living is not new, it is gaining popularity. Long before the advent of the present modern social system, people used to live slowly like this. After the corona epidemic, people are thinking about it again.

Many are now giving more importance to home office or working from home. Many feel that the 9-5 job, the hectic routine, the relentless pursuit of success are making their lives complicated. So they tend to live a slow life.

What is slow living?

The concept of slow living comes from slow movement. This movement started in Italy by Carlo Petrini and a group of activists who protested the opening of a branch of a famous fast food chain in Rome’s Piazza di Spagna in the eighties.

Several other important campaigns started from this movement—such as Slow Food, SitSlow, Slow Travel, etc. Slow Living is a lifestyle that emphasizes slow and mindful living. For example, spending time with close people, doing hobbies, being in touch with nature. Also bringing balance to daily life and working with purpose, taking care of yourself, conscious spending—these are the main objectives of such a lifestyle.

There is no fixed formula for ‘slow life’. Each person has to build a life of his own choice in this way. Spending time with close people, being close to nature, doing favorite activities etc. are very important in slow living. Bringing balance and purpose in daily life, self-care, mindfulness and conscious spending are key features of such a lifestyle.

Benefits of Slow Living

It is a movement that aims to live a balanced and meaningful life. It is works by taking life slowly, being content with your surroundings and what you have. For many, it means taking more time to take care of yourself. The practice of this can play a variety of roles in a person’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. For example-

Pressure is reduced

Stress, anger, restlessness can be reduced as Slow Living emphasizes on it. Taking time and moving forward slowly and focusing on the present brings peace.

Improving mental health

Emphasis on mindfulness and self-care improves mental health. Taking care of yourself, doing things you love, moving forward in life with a purpose increases a person’s happiness, well-being and happiness.

Improving physical health

This thing also helps in keeping the body healthy. It reduces the risk of serious diseases, sleeps well and keeps the body healthy. Good habits like regular exercise and a balanced diet can be developed.

Good relations with others

Slow living places special emphasis on connecting with others and socializing. It gives opportunity to build good relationship with close people. People’s tendency to suffer from loneliness decreases when they connect with others over time.

Creativity increases

It is increases creativity and innovation. Because there is more time and opportunity to think and work on new ideas and creative things.

Does Slow Living have to stay away from technology?

When listening to slow living, it seems that there is a conflict with modern technology. In fact, it encourages purposeful and mindful use of technology. This does not mean that the use of technology should be excluded. You will use technology in a way that helps you stay well, not take over your life.

You can start practicing slow living by making some small changes in your daily life. For example, take some time each day to express gratitude, take a few deep breaths, etc. Then make big changes gradually.

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