
6 Reasons Why Vitamin P Is Now In Discussion

Make 7 changes to your daily diet for a healthier and longer life

Citrus fruits are good sources of this vitamin ptoAlong with vitamins A, B, C, D, E, R, K vitamin ‘P’ is being discussed now.

The dynamics of the world has got another dimension in human activity. And man is moving according to his body. We take various nutritious foods and vitamins to keep this body under control. Due to the lack of these nutrients or vitamins, various diseases and ailments nest in the body. Vitamin ‘P’ is also an essential element, the deficiency of which causes various diseases including arthritis, rupture of blood vessels, scurvy, tooth and gum problems. Therefore, vitamin P-rich foods should be included in the daily food list. Sounds a bit surprising, isn’t it? Wondering what vitamin “P” is again! Let’s know step by step what its is, where to get it i.e. its source and its requirements.


What is vitamin ‘P’?

Vitamin ‘P’ basically refers to a chemical group called bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are a type of nutrient found in a variety of plant foods. There are thousands of bioflavonoids in nature. This bioflavonoids group of nutrients are found especially in colorful vegetables, fruits, cocoa, tea etc. That is, even if the name sounds unfamiliar, you are taking this vitamin constantly.

1. Antioxidant properties

One of the main properties of bioflavonoids is their antioxidant properties. Being an antioxidant, it plays a role in repairing the damage of human body cells. It also acts as a functional component of cell structure. It also acts as a preventive measure against heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.

2. Role in anti-inflammatory

Anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory drugs are used to prevent arthritis pain, muscle pain, and joint pain and redness. Different types of bioflavonoids work to cure these inflammations in the body. In simple terms, vitamin P acts as a pain reliever

3. Cardiovascular health

Studies have shown that a compound called quercetin in bioflavonoids improves the function of blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, increases metabolism and helps in cholesterol metabolism. Eating foods rich in this vitamin reduces the risk of heart disease.

4. Increase immunity

Since ancient times, we eat fruits to prevent diseases. It is a very common thing but there is a scientific reason for it. The bioflavonoids present in the fruit boost our immunity and protect the body from various infections.

5. Allergy prevention

Vitamin P can be a friend to those who overcome allergy problems. Another property of the bioflavonoids compound quercetin is to stabilize allergy-producing cells. Apples, onions, tea contain these bioflavonoids.

6. Blood sugar control

Vitamin P helps control diabetes according to various health reports. Various herbs can regulate blood glucose. Some recent studies have found that natural bioflavonoids accelerate gluconeogenesis in the liver. As a result, this vitamin helps to maintain proper blood sugar levels.

vitamin p contain fruits

What foods contain vitamin P?

Its benefits are known. Now let’s know what kind of food can help you to get these benefits. Citrus fruits are good sources of this vitamin ie bioflavonoids. Citrus fruits means different types of oranges, malta, lemons etc. Various berries, green vegetables, colorful fruits contain bioflavonoids. Apart from that, green tea and dark chocolate also contain enough vitamin P. But always keep in mind that any excess food is not good for the body. Consuming these foods in moderate amounts in the daily diet gives relatively more benefits.



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1. Make 7 changes to your daily diet for a healthier and longer life
2. Include These 9 Foods in Your Diet for Healthy Eyes
3. How to Make Sustainable Lifestyle Changes in 2024




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